

Currently Banned Ranked Restriction Supporter


19576 / 19576 Total Puff Points

Network stats

初回参加日 2021/08/14 09:23:15
最終ログイン 2024/03/13 09:19:44
Vote 26
ID 767495


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Ranked Data

Kit Elo Win Lose
Sharp2Prot2 1000 1 1
MCSG 1000 1 1
OCTC 1000 1 1
Gapple 1000 1 1
Archer 1000 1 1
NoDelay 1000 1 1
Soup 1000 1 1
BuildUHC 1000 1 1
Debuff 1000 1 1
Sharp4Prot3 1000 1 1
Sumo 1000 1 1
Axe 1000 1 1
Spleef 1000 1 1
FinalUHC 1000 1 1
Bridge 1000 1 1
MLGRush 1000 1 1
Boxing 1000 1 1
Parkour 1000 1 1
Fish 1000 1 1


2936673 Sharp2Prot2 yakago vs emu_jp
2936667 Sharp2Prot2 yakago vs Japan_Hokkaido
2936665 Sharp2Prot2 CrazyOnion256 vs yakago
2936659 Sharp2Prot2 yakago vs wantex
2936652 Sharp2Prot2 yakago vs wantex
2936640 Sharp2Prot2 yakago vs maikizwergihq
2936638 Sharp2Prot2 yakago vs FakeLagger
2936634 Sharp2Prot2 tendomeow vs yakago
2936631 Sharp2Prot2 tendomeow vs yakago
2936626 Sharp2Prot2 tendomeow vs yakago
2936609 Sharp2Prot2 yakago vs Raphiel

Obtained Prefixes

Prefix Reason
&c❤ Supporter
&d[✿Sakura] Thank you for supporting the server < 3


Kill 4
Final Kills 3
Wins 2
Played 7
Beds Destroyed 0

Recent Achivements

#89414 yakago killed coolboy_bwL_ FINAL KILL
#89303 yakago killed _Weapo_ FINAL KILL
#89303 yakago killed _WangXiFeng FINAL KILL


Wins 0
Loses 0
Kill 0
Death 0
Ores Collected 0
Logs Collected 0
Nexus Mined 0
Bow Kill 0
Nexus Defend 0